Multifunctional Alternative Energy Sources

Tap into alternative energy sources to power your businesses cost-efficiently, with expertise from the engineers at WILTEG in Freehold, New Jersey. Discover consumption-reductive energy products that propel environment-friendly design and technology.

Night Star™ LED Retrofit Lighting Technology

Retrofit existing high-pressure sodium and roadway lights with eco-friendly and recyclable lights made from non-toxic materials like mercury and lead with the Night Star™ LED. Lessen your lighting systems’ carbon footprint with lights that do not produce harmful ultraviolet rays. The Night Star™ LED provides enhanced lighting, safety and security that will extend the life cycle of the LED Chip Cluster for general areas like, but not limited to, the following:

• Roadways
• Streets
• Walkways
• Airports
• Marinas
• Parks
• Stadiums
• Hotels


Tech Advantages

For more technical advantages that outdo traditional lighting fixtures, get the retrofitting upper hand with the benefits we offer. The Night Star™ LED offers the following features:

• Composite Chip Design that Does Not Use LED Bulbs
• Innovative Design that Eliminates Exterior Moisture
• Internal Design that Maximizes Heat Dissipation
• At a Minimum of 60% Power Consumption Savings per Street Light
• Five-Year Retrofit Warranty and LEDs for Up to 100,000 Hours
• Lower Power Voltage Requirement per Street Fixture
• Higher Brightness Rate and Lower Wattage per Street Light
• Retrofittable and scalable for most of the existing lighting receptacles


Solar Panel Polygonal Design

Maximize power-generating capacity for your businesses with the new Solar Panel Polygonal unit also featuring the Night Star™ LED retrofit lighting technology. Harness maximal sunlight energy with the following technical engineering advantages:

• Designed to Generate AC Power for Micro-Grid and Utility Tie Purpose
• Designed to Operate for a Limited Time During Overcast, Cloudy, or Rainy Weather
• Capability to Charge Batteries and Operate Inverters for Retrofitted Lights
• Scalable to Produce Energy Ranging from 250 to 2,000 Watts per Unit
• Designed to Utilize Anti-Islanding Functionality
• Polygonal Design Installability Options Amenable to Existing Systems
• Polygonal Design Compatibility with Multiple Array Set-Ups for Solar Farm
• Power Requirement Adaptability to AC or DC Operation
• Designed to Operate Street/Traffic Lights and Remote Repeater Transmitter Stations
• Designed to Operate Using Remote Access Controls